
December 30th, 2023


In our digital age, we're constantly bombarded with information and stimulation. At the same time, there's an ongoing quest for the perfect productivity system or task management tool aimed at enhancing productivity and managing our daily 24 hours more efficiently. I admit, I've tried nearly every productivity tool out there, seeking that slight edge in efficiency. But is this relentless pursuit really beneficial?

I decided to develop a minimalistic, distraction-free project and task management tool for personal use. This project was an experiment to prove to myself that no system could enhance my productivity unless I focused on the work that truly mattered.


First, I identified the essential features needed in a task management app. To structure my thoughts and create a coherent plan, I began with a visualization of the app's data flow.


Now I could start creating the basic setup of my app as well as creating basic components. As a tech stack, I used NEXTjs, Typescript with Tailwind CSS for styling, Planetscale as the database and Prisma ORM for communication with the database.


Welcome to Stackdo!

Use Github to create an account or log in

import NextAuth from "next-auth";
import { options } from "@/lib/auth";
const handler = NextAuth (options);
export { handler as GET, handler as POST };

The aim was to strip the application down to only the necessary features while crafting an intuitive interface for advanced users familiar with keyboard shortcuts. I focused on direct user feedback combined with minimalistic yet appealing animations and interactions.

I set a focus on direct user feedback paired with minimalistic but still beautiful animation and interactions. Try it out yourself:


Your Tasks

function onSubmit(data: z.infer<typeof FormSchema>) {
        title: 'Congratulations! You created a task',
    const newTask = {
        id: Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9),
        title: data.task,
        completed: false,

    setTask((prev: any) => {
        return [...prev, newTask]



Stacksdo is an amazing tool for managing tasks and projects without any unnecessary distractions for the user. It focuses on the foundational elements and still provides an amazing user experience through consistent user feedback, a minimal design, and great performance.

Project Details








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